Our bicentennial celebration of the letting out of Long Pond, better known today as Runaway Pond, was a three day extravaganza. Here is the schedule of that special weekend, along with a list of all of the sponsors.
2010 Schedule
Friday, June 4
- 11am-On: Visit the fun new Runaway Pond “Museum” at Dolan barn on Rt. 16
- 1:00: “Graveyard Ghosts remember Runaway Pond” play performed by gr. 6-7-8; Glover History Cards, and Runaway Pond DVD presentation (Glover School)
- 3:00: Quilt Show, Gift Shop and Exhibits opening (Town Hall)
- 7:00: Runaway Pond Experience – a Google Earth virtual encounter (Glover School)
- 7:45: “Runaway Waters: When the best laid plans go bad” and “The Geology of Runaway Pond: Presentations by George Springston, geologist and Dr. Stacy Daniels, engineer.(Glover School)
Saturday, June 5
- 8:30: Breakfast for Chamberlain descendants (Runaway Café)
- 9:00: Runaway Pond Race (9 AM start at Runaway Pond park; finish at Glover Green; shuttle available, register 8am at town green)
- 9:00-2:00: Crafts/farmers’ market, Kid’s games, Music, Bread & Puppet Theater Play, (Glover Town Green)
- 9:00-On: Visit the fun new Runaway Pond “Museum” at Dolan barn on Rt. 16
- 9:00–3:00: Quilt Show, Gift Shop and Runaway Pond exhibits (Glover Town Hall)
- 10:00-noon: Runaway Pond pictorial postmark, cachet envelope and commemorative stamp (Glover Post Office located in Currier’s Market)
- 11:00-1:00: BBQ at the Busy Bee (Glover Village)
- Noon-1:00: Parade (Glover Village, organized by the Glover Public Library)
- 1:30 and 3:30: Tours – guided walking tours of Runaway Pond site; guided bus tours of Runaway Pond path in Glover; self –guided Quest (tours begin at Runaway Pond Park; self guided Runaway Pond Quest directions available at Town Hall all weekend)
- 5:00-6:30: Church supper (Glover Community Church, Glover Village)
- 7:00 Runaway Pond Play preformed by Gr. 3-4-5 & Student displays (Glover School)
- 8:00-9:30: Concert with the MacArthur Family (Glover School)
Shuttle bus schedule for Saturday: leaving at 8:00am from Glover School parking lot, heading to Runaway Pond Park, with pickups at other labeled parking lots along Rt. 16; repeating trip every hour.
Sunday, June 6
- 9:00-10:00: Reenactment of 1810 hike to the Runaway Pond site, following the tin horns (Runaway Pond site)
- 9:00: Outdoor Ecumenical Church Service (Clark Pond Fishing Access; organized by Lake Region Parish)
- 10:30-11:00: Shape Note Sing (Runaway Pond Park)
- 11:30-1:00: Music with local musicians, coffee cooking in open kettle; food vendors, cake and pie contest; picnic lunch (Runaway Pond Park)
- 12:30: Bread and Puppet Theater Runaway Pond Play (Runaway Pond Park)
- 1:00-2:30: Bicentennial Ceremony: welcome from Gov. Douglas, recognition of descendants, unveiling & dedication of roadside historic marker, firing of cannon; MacArthur Family singing Ballad of Runaway Pond ( Runaway Pond Park)
- 2:30: 1997 Time capsule dug up (Runaway Pond Park)
Sunday Bus schedule: leaving Glover school at 9:30 am from Glover school parking lot, heading to Runaway Pond Park, with pickups at other labeled parking lots along Rt. 16; repeating trip every hour.
We are looking for help funding the celebration! If you can help, please send donations to the GHS at P.O. Box 208, Glover, VT 05839. We will thank all donors, businesses and individuals, on our website, and on brochures and posters. Let us know if you would like to sponsor a particular event. Call 525-6212 or 525-4051. We are also looking for volunteers! Check the newspapers for our monthly/biweekly planning committee meetings held in the library and join us!
These are the businesses, individuals and organizations that have so generously contributed to support our celebration agenda. Thank you so very much.
Currier’s Quality Market
RC Construction
Parker Pie
Radiant Floor
Racine Tent Rental
Glover Ambulance Squad
Union House Nursing Home
Community National Bank
TD Bank
Barton Area Chamber of Commerce
Family of Asa Brown, digger
Family of Elijah Stone, digger
Family of Aaron Wilson, miller
Family of Edward Carey, carver
Family of Capt. Samuel Twombley, digger
Concept 2
Old Stone House Museum
Northeast Kingdom Balsam
American Legion Auxiliary Post # 76
Wheelock Wood Yard
Wilfred Paquet & Fils
Parson’s Corner
Thurmond Knight Violins
Perron Graphics
Runaway Café
Robert N. Taplins, Inc.
Lake Parker Association
Greensboro Historical Society
The Chronicle
Labor of Love Landscaping
Glover Historical Society
Glover Recreation Committee
Butler’s Bus
Rodger’s Country Inn
Old School Builders
Shadow Lake Association
Lake Parker Country Store
Nature By Design
Red Sky Trading Co.
Carlton Bickford